Marriage and Family

We provide a safe and controlled environment with experienced Christian counselors who are adept in resolving relationship conflicts and issues. Often we see one spouse or the other hesitate to go through counseling because they feel that they will be made to look the bad guy or the bad girl or that their words will be twisted around and they will be misunderstood. Our counselors are skilled in making both spouses feel relaxed and accepted and they are able to see down into the root causes of marital conflict and bring practical workable solutions based upon the Word of God. We also can provide guidance and advice regarding parenting and issues with children.


Depression is often the result of living out of a false identity. When a person’s identity is based upon the standards of others and the expectations of the world they become overwhelmed with a sense of hopelessness and darkness. Redemption Counseling helps clients discover their true identity based upon who they are in Christ. As a result they quickly move from hopelessness to hope and from darkness to light.

Anxiety & Fear

None of us are beyond the reach of insecurity, self-doubt, and apprehension. We know that fear and anxiety, although very common, can be extremely resistant to psychological and/or medical treatment. We frequently work with people caught in issues that seem overwhelming and chaotic to them. They become worried, frightened, and seized with panic. We help you find freedom from your fears through your true identity in Christ.

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an extremely debilitating condition. We have found that although every person is made up of mind, body and spirit it is the spiritual that delivers the mind from PTSD. In about five sessions we have seen God do miracles in the lives of VETS with PTSD.

Other areas we provide counseling is: Substance Abuse, Grief, Conflict Resolution, Sexual Addictions, Emotional Issues, and Spiritual Issues